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6 Things Professional Burglars Don’t Want You to Know

Home burglary generally has a pattern; criminals are looking for an easy target they can rob fast. Learn coque samsung galaxi ace 4 from the pros. Here are six tips from career burglars you can use to defend your home and prevent break ins.Burglars like to break in to coque coque iphone 6 humoristique samsung s7 edge minnie homes during daytime hours the last thing criminals want is to encounter someone at home. Weekdays are ideal for thieves, since weekend schedules are too unpredictable. are the most popular times because there’s a high chance people will be away at work or school.2. They Know When You’re Not Home Thanks to Social MediaWhile it’s tempting to post about your vacation to your social media feed, wait to share those trip photos image pour coque samsung j3 2017 and exotic location check ins until you’re coque iphone 6 aquarium back home. Criminals scout public social media accounts like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, coque samsung j5 fortnite and Foursquare to find victims.Locating someone’s home address using basic information from their social media profile is surprisingly easy. In one survey of convicted burglars, more than 10 percentsay they used social media to determine who was out of town. The same survey found one burglar stole over $250,000 in electronics and jewelry from 33 women he saw in public he used GPS data embedded in photos they posted online to find their homes.Even if all your accounts are private, that old friend from high school or new neighbor down the street could be a potential criminal. Never post what times you’re not home or how long coque samsung galaxy s4 mini marque you’ll be out.3. They Don’t Like Your Security PracticesBurglars want coque samsung galaxy s4 style nothing to do with alarm systems (whether they’re from the best home security companies or not). Homes without a security system are almost 300 percent more likely to be targeted for a break in. If you do install an alarm system, make sure you guard it with a strong code. Don’t use your boulanger coque samsung s5 house number or birthday, and clean any dirt or grease etui coque samsung player star 2 off your keypad so a burglar won’t guess your code based off the numbers you’ve hit the most. Unlocked windows, unused deadbolts, poorly lit homes, and residences without security systems are prime targets for burglars, so make sure you are using the security features you already have.Also, tricks that coque noeud iphone 6 make it look like you’re home really work, professional burglars coque samsung galaxy trend lite silicone animaux reveal. Burglars run from properties that look like people are inside. Motion sensor lights, bright flood lights, and timed lights are inexpensive security features for a home’s exterior that scare criminals away. TVs or radios left on, as well as cars parked in the driveway, make burglars nervous that someone is home.4. Great Targets Advertise Their Weapon SupplyIf you’re a proud gun owner, that won’t scare away burglars it entices them. NRA bumper stickers coque samsung galaxy ace 3 strass on a car or Smith Wesson signs on a house advertises that there are lots of guns to steal.5. Shrubs and Architecture Make Great Hiding SpotsTall bushes are favorites of burglars since they offer an obstructed view from the street and an easy way to hide from neighbors. Keep shrubs and large landscaping features trimmed. If you want big plants by your windows, choose something thorny that will detract a burglar, like roses or cacti.Think twice about large architecture features, too, like coque samsung tendance fences, half walls, coque faconnable iphone 6 plus and big fountains. Thieves are searching for crimes of opportunity, and such decor elements give a burglar more time to hide and plot their method of entry. The best defense is a clear view of your front porch.6. Valuables in the Open Help Them Decide on a TargetKeep your expensive items out of sight. You’re making it too easy for a burglar by advertising the type of valuables they can steal. Don’t leave a new MacBook in front of your aliexpress coque samsung j7 first floor kitchen window, iPads on your living room ottoman, or even a nice car in a garage window with a clear sight line to the street. Key hooks especially personnaliser coque samsung galaxy ace 3 with labels for each key need coque samsung galaxy s3 chevaux to be concealed out of view from windows, too.”A burglar appreciates such kindness, but you will find it expensive when coque samsung j3 2017 fornite you coque star iphone 6 have to replace all the locks after a break in,” says Mike Fraser, former professional burglar and host of the BBC show Beat the Burglar.Fraser also advises to leave large family calendars out of view. You’re inviting a break in by detailing when you’ll be away, Fraser says. This advice goes for any ID documents, too. Mail or other personal information left in plain view is a gold mine for a criminal looking to easily steal your details for identity theft.Using these tips can help you coque samsung galaxy s4 souple protect your home from break ins. Also, be sure to research crime rates and trends in your neighborhood and state. Just like some houses are safer than others, some states are safer than coque samsung galaxy j3 mickey others. Where does your state rankUsing data collected by the coque samsung s6 edge ebay FBI, ASecureLife compiled a list of the 10 states with the lowest numbers of recorded break ins per 100,000 inhabitants in 2015.Krystal Rogers Nelson is a Safety Security Expert for ASecureLife. As a homeowner and mother of a rambunctious toddler, she specializes in topics ranging from home and financial security to parenting and child coque iphone 6 cendrillon safety. When she’s not writing or researching, she enjoys making art, watching cheesy rom coms, and spending time in nature…

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