I think AC only is fine, but for me, the i3 i

I think AC only is fine, but for me, the i3 isn a primary car it our commuter/secondary car. if lots of miles need to be driven, we drive something else/use different transportation. stopping every hour for 30 minutes would be a shitty experience (and you would have to know the stations exist).

This will help you getting a better feel for the car balance, know where the limit of the grip is and you might even find a better/faster line down the track.Secondly, the most of the z4 weight is in the back, so that why it so happy to throw that beautiful fat ass around like it some Shaquina from the hood.

We went through a million options, but basically I have a negative equity of $15000 that would have bfakn.club to be rolled into a new lease, making my payment on even a base model BMW higher than what I am paying now and for a 36mo term instead of my remaining 15mo lease. We looked at doing a buy back of my car instead of a lease trade in, but it was originally so overvalued in our deal that I am still negative the 15000. I listed it on lease trader but doubt that anyone will be interested in this car for that monthly price. They also mentioned financing my car to purchase, but three days after I got the car I was hit and it effected the alignment of the car so I am not interested in this option. We went to another BMW dealer different than the one that originally did the deal and they were shocked at what they had done to us. The only option seems to be for me to keep my car for a few more months and hope that BMW offers a pull ahead program again where they pay 3 4 of the remaining payments to get you into a new car. My boyfriend ended up leasing a new 530e and we plan on using his rebates for the electric car to pay down some of my car, but I would obviously ideally like to find a different way out of this.

The “Announcement Package 1″, of tinted window and power steering was $139 and “Announcement Package 2″ of a front sway bar, steel belted radial tires and power front disc brakes was $203.45. So in order to get your Pacer up to scratch you had to part with the best part of $1,300, taking the price up to about $4,600.

The History of My 2005 BMW 325lI was frugal and bought it used just about two years ago. It’s a 2005 325I. Although I’ve discovered how ridiculously different people react or treat you when you drive up in even the most basic BMW, I wanted it simply because I thought the Germans made a superior vehicle more value for the buck.

As for why it doesn’t fit I’m not 100% sure what the problem is. But it’s almost like the latches aren’t long enough so when you push them in they can’t reach to latch on. The angle in which the seat would sit on doesn’t seem right either. She never told me why they aren’t compatible, just that the quality control people did tests and that the latch system doesn’t work with certain BMW’s.

Since 2003, Alpinas have been put together on specialproduction lines at BMW’s Munich, Dingolfing and Regensburg plants in Germany and its Spartanburg factory in the US, with every model being sent to Alpina’s headquarters in Buchloe for the finishing touches to be applied. Around 250 employees work at the Buchloe HQ where Alpina has been based since 1970 and it is from there that the Alpina components are shipped to the BMW assembly lines. It is at Buchloe, too,that modelling and prototyping are carried out, engine and gearbox upgrades are designed, specialised parts are made and the in house saddlery workshop produces the cars’ superb hand stitched interiors usingflawless Lavalina leathers.

If you charge it home it really depends on what you are replacing it with. Many people trade in hybrids or other eco cars for these, which do not run on premium. The fuel savings are there, if you charge at home, but at current gas prices it isn a huge difference. The difference in tire replacement costs and insurance costs more than make up that difference in fuel savings over a more economical car.

The summit looks good, but most people are overhyping it a lot. BMW for instance mentions on stage that their proof of concept was succesful, but the future will be long and complicated as Germans (BMW) are very skeptical of new technologies. The concept looks great, but it is not much different from many prototypes on other chains.

My financial situation is not that different from yours, although I have a lot more rental property, much more savings (more than half a decade of frugal living expenses), and a slightly lower income in most years (single, no kids).Was it a financially good decision? Resoundingly no. But it was an investment in the future, not just my personal one, but also ours and a personal statement.

To boot, there was no adult supervision at all. She can’t honestly say she was careful.What I do know about are cars, motorcycles, boats, machines etc and I’m a very qualified mechanic in several fields with an amateur motorsports history.I live in a very rural part of Ireland where we tend to know most people in a 10 mile radius.

For me, it was in reverse. I had a souped up BMW, manual, special color, very tastefully modded, just they way I wanted it, dream car. I was gonna hold out for another couple of years, being that the BMW was the last manual 3 Series brought to the US (an F30), and I only driven manuals, by choice, my whole life (sidebar: I had an Honda Accord, manual, 220k miles that I sold before getting the Bimmer).

To use an example from another sport I watch, Cricket, England stuck with Keaton Jennings for far too long, and it was because he had potential and was woefully out of form, but he was given a fair chance to regain form and to score runs. (Plus there is virtually nobody else, and hopefully he doesn’t get back into the team for the next Test.)

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Dealerships aren’t everywhere. In my case, the closest dealership is about an hour and a half away. It is certainly a pain to drive to. I am lucky that I have one that close. Other people may have to travel hours to get to a Mini dealership. If you do buy a car, then ensure that you learn about your warranty. The flatbed service they offer to pickup your Mini is only for a limited area, and even getting a rental while your car is being repaired can be limited in how far you can drive it.

You can post about your channel or project, but should not make it a requirement to visit, comment or subscribe to an external place to enter a giveaway or to increase the likelihood of winning. TIP: Don post steam keys in public as plain text as bots steal them! Giveaways are not the purpose of this subreddit and further limits may apply at moderator discretion. Consider using the daily sticky post for quick disposals of keys or flash giveaway events. Invitations to VR events that entail prizes such as e sports can be posted but without any reference to the prizes.

The thing is if something as small as this gets caught in post race scrutineering it reflects just as badly on the scrutineers because its small enough that its not going to have a major effect on the race but still enough to DQ a team and waste their weekend (or in this case few months) which would been just fine if the scrutineers spotted it first time. Usually an apology from the organisers is in order, since its FIA sanctioned thats probably not going to happen.

I merely comment on a bunch of unsupported half finished stories being called “shocking” while insinuating that a mother’s claims her son did nothing wrong while being abused from police are evidence of police brutality. There’s nothing shocking at all that a mother will defend her child against those nasty police; we see such stories every day. And while there are exceptions it almost always ends up that the child was doing something wrong; that the cops had both a reason and obligation to act as they did.

We also rented an SUV for the trip, and will be spending a fair amount of time in the car, driving at least several times per day. The cheapest SUV we could get was a BMW X3 (I’m kind of excited about this!). The X5 was also an option, but I didn’t think we needed the extra space though now I’m second guessing that. Will the Sureride fit RF (rear facing) in the X3? I’m very opposed to FF him yet, even temporarily. He is still RF (rear facing) at home in an Advocate G3 in my car and a Marathon G3 in DH’s. The Sureride was purchased specifically for travel after reading other posts on this board. I didn’t want to mess with noodles for a good install with our Scenera back up seat, though I have gotten good at the noodle less install of the Scenera since then. Thoughts?

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Usually, in vehicles that have a hatchback style trunk (with an open seat back) you will find the anchor on the back of the seat and sometimes in the ceiling (for the middle seat position). If the trunk is closed, you typically find the anchor spot behind the headrest. I know you will be tired, but installing the seat properly is very important. If the person picking you up doesn’t know whet to find the anchors in their vehicle, ask them to look it up in their manual as soon as they can.

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What vehicles do MIL (mother in law) and mom drive? If one of them can accommodate a Sureride, give it to them. Surerides are like Dionos very long front to back. If LO (little one) is 50% for height and weight, it should RF (rear facing) him till about 4. Mine was in the 90%+ for height, like your oldest, and reached 40″/40 at 3.4 yo.

The Kurdish Peshmerga fighter decided to invest in an armored car, but he had little clue the vehicle would end up saving the lives of dozens of people.After shopping around, he settled on a bulletproof BMW, and paid $10,000 for the early 1990s model at a car auction.”My friends were very happy when I bought the armored car,” he tells CNN. “We started driving in it to the front line near Kirkuk, not worried about ISIS drive by shootings or roadside bombs.”Abdulrahman, 32, lives with his wife and four children in Taza Khurmatou, some 23 kilometers south of Kirkuk.On October 21, dozens of ISIS militants carried out a coordinated series of attacks on the oil rich city, targeting security forces and civilians in several neighborhoods; 64 died and 86 ISIS militants were killed.More than 100 civilians and security personnel were wounded; many of them were left stranded because of ISIS militants’ indiscriminate firing, while others were trapped by the terror group’s snipers shooting from rooftops.ISIS sniper fireAbdulrahman knew he had to act.”I told myself, this is the right time to help people, this is the right moment to do it. I am a fighter and I have a bulletproof car, shame on me if I can’t help,” he says.

See, that’s what gotten under my skin so darned bad. My panties (I actually wear Made in the USA Fruit of the Looms) are really in a terrible bunch because we’re at this place that we’ve gotten to where everyone at the bottom is simply an underachiever and should simply be someone thankful that a few scraps fall his way now and again thanks to all of the genious, and hard work of the guys at the top who, according to all accounts, are the ones who really make it all happen.

Great gas mileage. Even though these cars use premium gas, it does offer decent gas mileage. I only have to fill up my tank once a month, and that is driving to and from work as well as other places around town. I can do about six to seven hours of solid freeway driving before needing a fill up.

I don think they expect to sell a lot more BMWs to teens and 20 somethings, this is about creating an attachment to a brand for the future. In 5, 10, 15 years some of today esports audience will have the income to afford a BMW. The auto industry tends to have more brand loyalty and switching is less common, so someone that has the means to get their first “dream” car and picks a BMW is highly likely to buy a BMW again in the future.Another way of looking at it advertising towards a 25 year old potentially creates a customer for the next 50+ years. Advertising towards a 55 year old (that might already have strong brand loyalty elsewhere) only gets you a customer for the next 20+ years.In any case we don know the value of the sponsorship deal or what financial projections this was based on, so it impossible to conclude whether it a good investment.

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When she wrote “Like a Prayer,” she came into a more mature period of her life. Madonna met Guy Ritchie in 1999, and they have a son together, Rocco. They got married in Scotland in 2000, and Madonna and family lived in England part time during the years of her marriage to Ritchie. Her Confessions tour of 2005 was the highest grossing tour to that date for any female artist.

The first time I tried to go fast, I got to right at 50.01, and I know there a lot I can improve. I won almost half a second in the first turn (but then messed it up in the second and third, I can seem to get those right).70 hours isn really that much, I personally have clocked in over 500 hours in AC and I still suck mostly.

Then we move on to the “WoW is trash” circlejerk. Well, lots of the WoW community is unhappy with BfA to be sure, but welcome to playing WoW. Every other WoW expansion has generally been considered bad. Legion was great, BfA is not. It not a sign of the apocalypse for Blizzard, just the usual cycle for that game.

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