Given that there are only 3 tier 10 CVs, and

Given that there are only 3 tier 10 CVs, and Haku and Midway are significantly more popular, mirror matchups are common (Hakus dominate in 5 1, I assume Midways must be more popular in lower leagues). So it basically impossible for a CV to have a 55%+ winrate like the top surface ships.

Really? You never used the facilities at a gas station? Let be real, we all know what we talking about here. Gas you can pump quick and get 300 500+ miles of range (I would routinely get 550 miles highway on a tank in my manual Accord), EVs are not there right now.

No asking for upvotes (in any form), no “Cake Day” posts, and no posts to communicate with another Redditor. Posts with titles such as “I got banned from /r/___” or “This got removed from /r/___” are not allowed. Emoji based titles, memetic titles, and titles meant to circumvent any other rules are also forbidden.

I make that trip a few times a year for racing. it doesn make financial sense to take an additional two days off for travel, just do it in one long haul. Most of the guys I race with are doing the same thing. Of course, that only 20 ish people so it sure is an edge case but there are also plenty of people in the US doing similar travel.

The guy I got this from was a Dr. in NYC who didn’t need it anymore. Original term 12k/36m. I finish out 24 months on the contract, get the loyalty from BMW and hopefully find another deal. My last car was a 2016 m235i fully speced and I got that for zero down, 450/month and got 3k in security deposits back. Only downside was I had it for only 1 year. Some ppl really just eat the loss. anecdotal but there are unicorn deals to be found.

More broadly, Heroes fans should consider themselves lucky. This game was a flop in the market from day 1. Despite this, Blizzard dumped money into it for 4 years. I sure the copious usage data they collected over those 4 years has them convinced there is no longer a realistic path to success for this game. They see clearly now that it will never be anything but an also ran in the MOBA market, and they not a company that makes also ran games. So they finally made the hard choice to pull the plug. If Heroes is your favorite game, or if you were trying to make a living from the Heroes community, that sucks. It truly does. And the way Blizzard handled this announcement seems to leave something to be desired. But all the entitlement in this sub from people who expect them to run a charity apparently indefinitely is pretty rich.

Oxygen (O2) Sensor DIY for VW 2.0 L EnginesHere is a way to take the cheap Bosch oxygen sensor 15718, made for Ford cars, and use it in your 2.0 Volkswagen engine. This is an old trick on the MKIII engine but has not been tried on MK4 Jetta, Golf, and GTI models. These sensors have been proven to work on BMW, VW, Saab, and a list of other cars: why not save money and use them on yours?

Mine was previously owned by a 85 year old man and was in superb condition. You won know what your expenses are until you lived in OKC a couple months but you could start saving by putting 25 50% of your paycheck away each time.Once you figured out the emergency fund, keep saving that 25 50% of every paycheck until you have enough cash to purchase the car.Whether you end up paying cash (the cheapest way to buy the car) or not, you shouldn spend more than $40k on it period.

People don’t like to factor in depreciation into annual expenses thinking it comes into play only when you sell. But for a very good reason, in accounting, depreciation of assets are accounted each year. So in the case of a brand new BMW (or any other similar brand) your expenses in the first year can very well be almost a 100K.

When looking for your next cabinet for your kitchen or bath, take a look at the following and make sure it’s what you have in mind for your remodel. Just because it’s advertised as an “all plywood box with a Cherry stain” does not make it a quality cabinet any more than a Chevrolet advertised with four tires and an engine is the same car as a BMW.

Overall, I am happy with my purchase. I love the stylish exterior and it is incredibly fast and fun to drive. It is so compact, the car fits in any size parking space. I also love the incredible amount of storage it has in the trunk more than you would imagine.

Warhol began his working life as a commercial illustrator, but it was obvious that he was onto something new. He began by drawing pictures of shoes, and was also commissioned to paint a campaign of cars for BMW. He attended what is now Carnegie Mellon Institute, and in 1949 began working in New York City, illustrating magazines, later developing a technique for silk screening. Many people are familiar with his iconic painting of a Campbell’s Soup Can, and he had his first gallery showing in 1962, in the Ferus Gallery of Los Angeles. This was his first solo effort, and soon after he had a gallery showing in New York as well, at Eleanor Ward’s Stable Gallery. As his career picked up, he began painting dollar bills, mushrooms, Coca Cola bottles and the Campbell’s Soup Cans. There was a symposium of his work at New York’s Metropolitan Art Museum in December of 1962, but he was criticized for giving in to commercialism.

Monika, I was in line at Target and the guy couldnt figure anything out. I had nonfood items but you can ring it all as 1 transaction and it will say whats not included. He kept seperating everything and making things so much harder/much longer than they had to. After I repeated that it was fine to do 1 transaction numerous times, I just told him to suspend it and that I was going to find someone who knew what they were doing. I left his lane in tears and went to customer service and complained. I spoke w a manager and she felt bad and rerung everything right but it made me feel like shit.

But I was in their face and calling them “pigs”, because they were. A broken nose and red knuckles proved I fought back. So my arrests,,,, were a badge of honor, and I taunted them to keep me longer and get me a lawyer!! I sure as hell never claimed innocence as a defense, I claimed power to the people.

The thing is if something as small as this gets caught in post race scrutineering it reflects just as badly on the scrutineers because its small enough that its not going to have a major effect on the race but still enough to DQ a team and waste their weekend (or in this case few months) which would been just fine if the scrutineers spotted it first time. Usually an apology from the organisers is in order, since its FIA sanctioned thats probably not going to happen.

If you charge it home it really depends on what you are replacing it with. Many people trade in hybrids or other eco cars for these, which do not run on premium. The fuel savings are there, if you charge at home, but at current gas prices it isn a huge difference. The difference in tire replacement costs and insurance costs more than make up that difference in fuel savings over a more economical car.

It’s a small car. I went from a sports car to a Mini, which to me was a big jump in size. A lot of people complain that these cars have very little storage space. It’s not meant to be a family car, it’s meant to be a fun car that can barely fit four people. I can hold a lot in my car, it just requires a bit of effort. However, the more expensive models have more space.

Ugh, I went to Babies R us and tried car seats and out of the 12 that I liked, NONE of them fit in the rear facing position in the center of the back seat. I had to put both front seats so far forward to get the baby seat at 45 degrees that there was no way for me to get in behind the wheel (I’m tall, so I need the seat about 2/3rds of the way back). I called 3 bmw dealerships and they could not care less. Now I know I will not be buying another BMW for my next car (customer service is important), but what should I do now?

All RTA Cabinets Are Not Created EqualReady to assemble cabinets are a great way to save money on your next kitchen or bath remodel. They offer value, quick turn around time, and rich features that can rival what you might find in a semi custom line that costs twice as much.

What Is a Mini?So what is a Mini? It’s basically a small economy car that is known for its speed, extreme drifting, and unique look. There have been various types of Mini cars over the last several decades, but their popularity has surged because of their availability almost all over the world, their unique look, and their race car like quality.

Raiola puts the word out that de Ligt is open to a move. A bunch of big clubs come back and say “yes we interested, what sort of terms would the player be looking for?” Raiola says a 5 year contract, de Ligt to be one of the top 5 paid center backs in the world, 10% yearly wage increase, and an 8 figure signing bonus, and on top of that you have to pay me a 20m euro agent fee. Immediately some of the potential buyers drop out because the agent fee is so large, even though they may be willing to pay the transfer fee to Ajax and meet the player contract demands. Perhaps they have a club policy against paying agent fees that large or other financial controls. This obviously limits the potential market for de Ligt somewhat and means he may not get the best possible terms.

I want to have an idea of what to have my husband look for, for my 2005 BMW 3 series sedan. Also, I’m thinking of POSSIBLY getting 2 car seats, to easily accomodate hubby and I. He has a Lexus E class 300, which is a lot roomier than mine and shouldn’t be too hard to get a seat for.

The issue is that some of the people who do abuse it are so incredibly blatant. They get away with more because they are actively scamming the system. It’s like a nerfarious version of what I do with airline miles. I find every program and loophole I can because it’s the only way I can afford to visit my family (and it’s legitimate). Because I am actively keep an eye on the programs and know all the rules/loopholes I get way more miles than most other folks who passively use the programs. I have personally known some welfare abusers and am sadly related to at least one. You’d think just by watching who brags, you could pick out the creeps. It seems most people don’t have the patience though. It’s a shame that there are people who use their benefits at casinos,resorts, in the Bahama, etc. Because it devalues the purpose of the system.

Do not get me wrong, on two occasions as a youth I was whooped upon and jailed and then released without charges as a youth. I was known, due to sports, but I also wrote and distributed an underground newspaper with forbidden information back then clean needles, contraceptives, petitions for all kinds of things, family planning, locations for anti war demonstrations. And I wore my hair pretty wild for a backwater town.

Then in 2009, the floor dropped from under me. First I got laid from my job. Which allowed me to daytrade full time over a span of 9 months while halfheartedly job hunting and collecting the $1600/month unemployment that covered my monthly living expenses. Unfortunately, right around then I reverted back to the mean and the gambling tables turned cold. Over that 9 months in 2009, I eventually gave back all my winnings and then some, dropping my brokerage balance to $25k.

They can be done up so nice like you mentioned with the widebody kits. They can be tuned really nice as well. I definitely like mine stock and have no intention of doing any of that. Would like a louder supercar like exhaust I guess but its awesome as it is.

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The idea that the options are either an EV that is more expensive than an ICE carbon copy because the battery is more expensive or a hybrid is fairly retarded. They could make platform dedicated EVs and have their own specific desirable characteristics that are far and beyond similarly priced ICE cars while being lesser cars in other areas. That hypothetical 70 kWh, 3s to 100 kph, $60000 BMW would crush their ICE version in a drag race and have its ass handed to it on a race track. It would still have its own appeal 바카라사이트 to sell and wouldn be comparable nor would it be EV version of that car that is $20000 more expensive because batteries, it would cost the same.

Also picked a pretty convenient year to stop your chart, since it immediately fell back off starting in 89, down to a low of 17,000 in the early 90 look at that, the Mets were good and their attendance was higher. Now then fast fwd to the 90s and the Yankees dynasty starts. And obviously attended and fandom switches back.

So the best advice I can give you is to just keep going, even if you think you reached your limit you do it a tiny bit better each lap.First, get comfortable with the car, do some fast laps followed by some laps, where you try to drift the car a bit and take corners completely different like you used to.

Later if you must get an prestigious badged car (It arguable in SoCal if any of the big 3 german brands can be viewed as prestigious short of the $150k+ semi exotics), go buy an 3 year old CPO BMW for 50% of MSRP while still having 2 3 more years of CPO warranty coverage.

My asset situation is i have about 11k in my 401k, about 7k in checking and 25k in savings that im specifically using for a down payment on a house. (hasnt happened yet because property prices keep going up and i dont know if im ready to own my own place yet).

I don know, that why I asking.But lets see, for NAV, it needs your position. OK, the GPS chip could be in there. Your speed might be nice. What would be easier, polling GPS satellites and getting their estimation? Or getting it from the engine computer?Some high end cars play fake engine sounds inside the car so the driver feels more satisfied by the sound of their engine. So, that another case of the engine talking to the soundsystem, which this unit, by virtue of it being the controller of your stereo, is getting feedback from the engine.And, some of those dvd players also get feedback from the engine computers, so they can black out the screen when the cars moving. Unless you think they polling GPS instead?So yeah. pretty sure that Dash Nav systems are talking to the rest of the car, either directly, or at least talking to a component that also talks to the engine.

He recently got an F80/82 BMW M3 or M4 and he still happy with his purchase.Is it the smartest financial decision? Well no there no way you can justify it no matter how you cut it. BUT with that said can you say that it gives you $75,000 worth of enjoyment? For some people maybe, others not so;dr Yes you can buy it but should you.

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