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2 weeks ago I figure out it just a bad earth causing the slow crank and low voltage, so I fix that and it starts and runs mint. After about 15 minutes of driving the accessory pulley that been intermittently noisy completely shits the bed and starts screeching like a banshee. I don have time to fix it so I give up until next weekend.
The third generation MR 2 (1999 2007) was called the MR 2 Spyder, or MR S in some markets. It was only sold as a true convertible and had only one engine option a 1.8 L inline 4 with 138 hp. While the engine was less powerful than that of the previous generation (especially the turbo), the car’s lightness allowed it to perform equally well as cars with more power. A third generation MR 2 is going to run you about 8 18k.
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In fact, the 2 door GTI was worse in the city, because the doors are so much longer, you can open them as easily in tight parking spaces. The 4 door has doors that open wider with less space next to you, and the doors are much smaller and lighter. So I would argue that while you THINK you want a 2 door, based on your requirements, if you came to me without any bias, I be recommending the 4 door to you over the 2 door.
If you live in a single family house and have a driveway or garage that you can park next to a wall, get a 240V “EVSE” (Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment, colloquially but incorrectly called a “level 2 charger.”) Unless you have a 240V, 30A electric dryer style outlet available right next to where you want to park, you need an electrician to install one.
The Ford commercials that feature SyncWe’ve all seen the commercials from Ford Motor Company that feature the Microsoft Sync system on some of their vehicles. As an owner of one of those vehicles equipped with the Sync system, I can tell you how it actually works for those of you who do not know.
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This car you will look forward to driving. This is just something that happens with a Tesla. You will want to drive to work just to drive. I driven many types of cars and this is the only one that made me feel like that. Reasoning i think is 1 it is relaxing with the minimalist interior and autopilot. It is exhilarating when i want it to be with the handling and power. I drive when i want and it drives the boring stuff.
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Mazda currently cannot meet the 2021 emission regulation in its home country of Japan. I am under the impression that they were hoping that this engine would allow them to do it, but so far only the base sedan with a stick manages to get under the mandated 96g co2 per km. they need their whole fleet to average that.
I got caught up in line at Cub today cuz the boy behind the counter didn’t know how to process WIC. One lady got so annoyed at me for holding up the line, she scoffed and went to the customer service desk three feet away and got snippy with the lady there. I felt terrible, and it must’ve shown on my face because the next people in line smiled at me and said they understood, they’d been in my shoes and they know how hard times are now. They were a nice older couple, the woman even gave me a small hug and told me to keep doing everything I could for my beautiful son, because that is all a mother can be expected to do. I bawled, and Mar just smiled at her.
Set up your Sync accountThe first and most important thing you need to do to utilize all the Sync services is set up your Sync account on your computer. You will be asked to name your vehicle and to select the dashboard layout of your vehicle. From your Sync account screen, you can then view your vehicle health report which you have generated from the vehicle itself. Other features you can customize from your Sync account screen include your favorites (specific stock quotes, sports teams, news headlines, horoscopes, etc. You can also set up saved points in your driving and directions list. A few of my saved points include my home address and some of my friends and family addresses. Although I do typically know how to get to my home address and those friends and family members addresses, I may be in an unfamiliar place and need to be directed back to those locations.
Madonna married actor Sean Penn in 1985 on her birthday, while filming the video for Material Girl. She dedicated her album True Blue to him, but they divorced in 1987, because he drank and became abusive, and she admits to being obsessed with her career. Madonna also played the part of Eva Peron very well on the stage, a role she really wanted, which won her both a Golden Globe Award and an Academy Award for the title song, “Don’t Cry For Me Argentina.” Madonna studied with a vocal coach and has a serious work ethic. She was one of the first artists seen wearing a headset while performing on stage. She often had to lip synch because the dance numbers which accompanied her songs were so intense.
Day two sees more of the same, plus multiple runs on individual sections of the track that are famously difficult to master. As someone who freely admitted to being too scared to go it alone in my own car (without the untold benefits of insurance, since few companies will cover a driver on the ring), the fully insured BMW course seemed ideal so, after a 90 minute flight from Heathrow to Frankfurt and an autobahn blast to the circuit 100 odd miles away, it was time for what my instructor worryingly described as my Nordschleife “blooding”.
Just like having the engine running on a ICE car. So if the 12 battery is too dead to fire up the controllers the HV battery can be energized and therefore can be charged either. So the battery is likely not dead enough to have the car be completely dead (no door locks no nothing) but too dead to pull in the line contactor for the HV battery.
That planted the seed of my interest and I was fascinated by them, and just learned as much as I could. Before buying my current car I studied up so I wouldn’t get stuck with an expensive BMW lemon that breaks down! So yeah just researching online, talking to our mechanic oh and I collect old magazines from the 80s and 90s so they have heaps of info in them, just reading up I guess and through experience learned with my own car. Thanks for the question Ashley and best wishes for 2011
Indeed, the Alpina engineering centre is so sophisticated that it houses eight dynamometers kitrepresenting an investment of more than 12m that are used to assess the output of the specially modified, always twin turbocharged Alpina engines. These engines are designed to provide not just a high top speed, but surprising improvements in fuel economy and the greater pulling power that gives the cars both astonishing acceleration and effortless long distance cruising ability. Every Alpina also gets modified electronics, an upgraded gearbox, aerodynamic enhancements, highly adaptable suspension that radically improves both handling andcomfort, and a signature touch, this a set ofhighly distinctive 20 spoke wheels.
/r/vive isn your promotional platform. Self promotion and any commercial presence is only tolerated where it makes the subreddit better, contributes to the discussion and is part of wider participation as an individual. Self promotion isn tolerated when it does not fit the nature of the subreddit or is seen as low effort, low quality, low transparency, high frequency or repetitive. Please refer to the wiki notes for current thinking and further guidance.
Door styles As indicated above, you are generally limited to the 6 8 door designs that are in stock, and you must take them in the color they come with. There is no allowance for glass doors on any cabinet. You have to choose from a small assortment of wall cabinets that are able to accept glass. Wainscot panels for backs of islands are generally not available, so you must use either standard door panels or plywood. Doors always come hinged one way. If you want the door hinged on the other side, you need to flip the door over. This is no big deal except with cathedral door designs where there is a distinct left/right. In these cases, the manufacturer supplies plastic plugs to fill the unused hinge holes on the non hinged side of the door.
Then, after following the instructions from the manual, you press the button for the garage door to go up… and nothing happens. Did you miss a step? Read on to learn about what most instruction manuals leave out: the step of programming the car/truck/van to the garage door machine itself.
I know that in some tropical and humid countries (Brazil) it is very rare to find hot tap water in the bathrooms or kitchen. The shower is heated by an electrical device. Is that sufficient? Does bacteria thrive in hot and humid places? I think it does so maybe that is one reason to not have.
I forgot to add that the other feature of the Aton that makes it a better fit for small cars is that the release handle for the seat is on the bottom where as most are on top near the canopy. This means you don’t have to worry about having enough room for your hand to fit to pull the handle between the infant seat and front seat. This made a big impact on the seats that would work in our car and the Aton won easily.
However, before you set your sights on imported RTA cabinets, it’s important to realize what you are getting. Among brands, there are several different construction methods, vast differences in finish and wood quality, and overall selection. While you might save some money, you may also find that the sacrifices you need to make may not be worth it.
Your Guide to Getting Your Vehicle on the Road in GermanyThe third item on my bucket list when I landed in Germany, immediately after finding a food source and securing shelter, was getting the means to exploit the autobahn to its full potential. Well, maybe that is an exaggeration, because one would need a Ferrari to accomplish that. A fair clarification of that statement would be: I intended to find something that moved me from A to B with four wheels, would accelerate with fuel in the tank and resembled a car to a sufficient degree as not to attract the attention of the Polizei.
Later if you must get an prestigious badged car (It arguable in SoCal if any of the big 3 german brands can be viewed as prestigious short of the $150k+ semi exotics), go buy an 3 year old CPO BMW for 50% of MSRP while still having 2 3 more years of CPO warranty coverage.
The charger itself is a $400 $600 item.Some people cheapen this process by using a dryer outlet that already exists in the garage and a slower (lower amperage) L2 charger that plugs into it (for around $300), but that means somewhat slower charging than what the car is capable of.
I genuinely enjoy driving it more than my V8 powered beast. I never thought I say that, but there it is.The i3 is a blast to drive. RWD, 170 horses, all the torque available any time you push it. It turns heads, you can park it on a postage stamp, you can turn a circle inside a tiny two lane road without doing a 3 point.
Vise gripsRemoving the Old Oxygen SensorThe very first thing that needs to be done is spray all around that sensor with your WD 40, Liquid Wrench, or whatever. If you’re not sure where the primary sensor is, look at the first picture below, go to your car and look between the firewall and intake manifold, and you will see it; the wires stick up like a cute little puppy tail on the back of the heat shield.
15) Beto O All talk no substance. You absolutely could tell he way out of his depth, and had to rely on stories and being relatable. That great for a House rep, OK for a Senator, absolutely not enough for President. Presidents must have past results and plan for future results and a story is far from both. He didn even bother adapting after he visibly realized his strategy wasn working and just gave up.
However, there is a firm that does such things as a matter of course, that finishes every car by hand and, during its 52 year history, has seldom produced more than 1,500 vehicles in any 12 month period. And, with allocations to any particular market never exceeding thelow hundreds, the chances of another of these cars pulling up beside yours are extremely small.
They would never get away with it, the area is too built up. I see you are in Canada and I know how quiet some parts of it are, especially compared to England, I used to work for a Canadian specialist tour operator and they taught us that the whole of England can fit into the biggest lakes.
I don’t know perhaps this is OK in the states.I think the person who gave the keys can’t have a proper grasp on reality. Here that would be child endangerment, without question and if repeated the vehicle would be removed.The main point I wanted to make, which is why I began by saying I’m not a parent but I have been the unruly child, is you may not be able to stop the desire to drive so you may be better trying to steer it.