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If you have a 2006 BMW X3 and you find your windshield washer fluid light keeps coming on, even shortly after you filled it up, you probably have a washer fluid leak. What’s more, it might not be a crack in the washer tank itself. These cars tend to spring leaks in the washer pumps and/or the grommets that hold the pump in the tank. I had mine filled and less than a week later the low fluid light came on. Indeed, the fluid was leaking out slowly, so slowly in fact that it was never reaching the ground because it was evaporating under the hood.

In England, BMW is building the Mini, the Rolls Royce as well as body parts and engines for BMW cars. Conversely, many Mini and Rolls Royce components are supplied from the EU. For Mini, the United Kingdom is by far the largest market. Last year, the BMW Group sold almost every tenth car on the island 238,000 vehicles.

By now, though, those who are unfamiliar with Alpina might be pondering the difference between itsspecially tuned products and those of BMW’s in house, high performance M division, which also builds go faster versions of the marque’s cars. Well, thedifference is akin to chalk and cheese not least because an Alpina isn’t simply about going fast, but about an entire package of enhancements that takes thebest features of a standard BMW and makes themwork in perfect harmony.

These things can be expected in an older vehicle. But come on, this car is barely five years old! And only three years old when I got it! And it’s German!! I now have new appreciation for every Ford product I ever owned or leased. I miss you Escort, Probe, Mercury Cougar, Mountaineer and yes, I even miss you, Taurus.

On top of that, all the circlejerking about Blizzard in this thread is also really aggravating. “After Diablo Immortal, this is the last straw. Fuck you, Blizzard, I out.” Blizzard has all but said publicly they working on Diablo 4, but that not good enough I guess. They also have to not work on anything else you personally think you might not like. If they are working on Diablo 4, but aren far enough along to have anything to show, but they also paying a third party developer to make a mobile game, and that mobile game is much farther along, why shouldn they show it? And every idiot Diablo fan in this thread talking shit will fucking download it and play the shit out of it, too.

Being English, we don’t have Thanks Giving, but I wish we did. We make up for it on Christmas though. I go to my moms for Christmas dinner every year and every year it’s the same annual goodness. We always have turkey, pork and some special sausage (can’t remember what it’s called) with apple sauce and cranberry sauce on the side. Roasted honey glazed parsnips, cauliflower, cabbage, carrots, peas and sprouts. Boiled and roasted potatoes and home made gravy. A glass of sparkling wine to go with it too. It’s so good!What is a product you can’t live without?We all have favorite products that we swear by whether it be that wrinkle cream that actually delivers results or a favorite cleaner (mine is Windex) that powers through the messes in your life. What is one product that you personally can’t live.

Downhill All the WayIn the second year around 120,000 Pacers were sold but the cracks were beginning to show. The engine was slow and unresponsive, the car taking over 14 seconds to get to 60mph, and it only clocked around 16mpg, less if you used the air conditioning, which you did because of all that glass. It was hard to park because of the width and weight, and mechanical faults were beginning to show through. The electrics were proving unreliable and there were reports of the steering seizing and failing due to the extra weight and strain imposed on the steering rack by the heavy engine.

Tbh, if I were to move back in to Boston, I’d buy a BMW 310r and bike in and out to work. Maybe sell your Nissan for that for spring autumn. Then you can save miles and wear and tear on the X5 and make it last way longer and save yourself the headache. In a big car Boston is a night mare. On a bike? It’s fun and easy to park and since Boston is 90% slow moving traffic the risk of bike accidents goes down Astronomically vs a fast moving city like Austin or Indianapolis. And you’ll get 55 76 mpg.

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Yesterday, when he was in the passenger seat with me driving, he said, “Mum, you turn quickly to the left and I’ll put the hand brake on.’ This didn’t happen, obviously, but is a guide to his immaturity.Even on private land (which to my knowledge is not illegal) I’m not sure I would want him driving my car right now.

My 3.5 year old is in a Roundabout, just about to outgrow it (he is just under 40 pounds and 40 inches, 15 inch torso). 18 month old is in a Comfortsport RF (rear facing) with about 3 inches(approx) left of shell above his head (24 pounds, 34 inches, 12.5 inch torso). The infant seat I have is a Peg Perego sip 22 pound limit. We just sold my Miitsubishi Endeavor today, and my husbands current car is a Ford Excursion so room is not a problem. I will most likely start driving the Excursion town with the kids he will get a smaller car (possibly a BMW or similar size) to commute to work. However we would still like the option of drviing in the car with the 3 kids if possible. Plan on having to buy a few new carseats either way. I was looking at a Frontier for my older child for the Excursion, and was going to buy him a Radian for my Endeavor but now we sold that car.

Thank you for your reply Nightstorm_NoS, my budget was 1/2 off that, and I know people are going to say that if you have a low budget you should steer clear from a BMW, electric or not. Every one in my neighborhood it seems has now taken delivery of their model 3 has they are all over the place. It a cool car but it is by no mean a city car, which is what I need. We have a ICE Suv for long range, for now. I have taken delivery of the i3 REX and I can say for sure, I would have been frustrated but the Bev version. Consider it cheating but the Rex extender has proven so far to be worth the extra $$. I coded the car and I have driven with 174 miles of range, light foot and taking advantage of steep downhills with battery Soc hold. I can charge or I can pump, having flexibility is sure sweet.

I picked up an older Sigma 70 200/2.8 HSM (non OS/VR) for actual shooting. I always at 1/500 or higher so I don really need OS/VR and the 2.8 glass is heavy enough that the image in the viewfinder doesn jump around too much so I went older and cheaper on the lens when I realized the 70 300VR wasn going to cut it. If you can spend a bit more, you can get a newer version with OS and the newer ones should also get better wide open with each generation (there four or five versions of the Sigma 70 200/2.8). One weird quirk of my version is the AF locks up and doesn work in video mode but I never shoot video anyway with it because it too jumpy without VR.

But there was still more to this Cup of extremes. When the teams’ two boats appeared on the water the sailing public drew breath. Two of the biggest, most advanced multihulls that the sailing world had ever seen suddenly changed the mood among Cup followers. At last, the conversation switched from the frustration of complex court hearings, to that of the prospect of a spectacular battle of two behemoths on the water.

I agree with some person here. Mercedes and BMW have their own segment. No doubt they engineered and build their car differently. In my mind BMW cars deliver sporty and elegance to their car. BMW cars’ image are perfectly match with young,spirited person who wants enjoyment of driving car in high speed and elegant way. Mercedes cars are build for people who wants to ride a comfort, high class car.

It’s a complete road/track animal: light weight (515kgs) front engined and rear wheel drive. Anyone who’s ever driven one will tell you how much fun these cars are! The kit also comes as a complete package, with engine and all! The R400 comes complete with a 2l Ford Duratec engine developing 210bhp, thanks to Cosworth hitting it with the power stick. That’s 420bhp/tonne. The bad part in all this is the 31,000 asking price, but to be honest with you, they are worth every penny. If you can’t afford this one, the classic kit starts at just 13,300 and that still has an engine, although only a 105bhp 1.4 Rover K series engine. Still, 200bhp/tonne is a great place to start with a Caterham.

He was recovering from gall bladder surgery when he suffered a heart arrhythmia and passed away suddenly in 1987 (perhaps the fears of hospitals were a premonition)? He left money and art to his family, but donated the rest of his belongings to the advancement of the visual arts. The Andy Warhol Foundation, opened by his brothers the same year as Warhol’s passing, “is primarily focused on supporting work of a challenging and experimental nature.” This Foundation is one of the largest organizations to give grants to new artists who wish to experiment in new media in the United States.

The big concept coup took a year to design and build. “That’s pretty quick,” says van Hooydonk. “It means you commit to decisions and go with them, it’s a process of creation that has to come from the heart as well as the head.” Hebelieves a great car has to have a certain “handwriting”. “You must trust your vision, and not tinker too much. I think this concept car is a great example of that instinctive approach working very well.

We are doing something similar, where we have a 4 door Ford Fusion and a 2 door Honda Civic, and because of twins, both cars are tight for rear facing (because there isn’t any middle LATCH in the 4 door and I have long legs!) but we FINALLY found an infant car seat that will work in both cars: the Nuna Pipa. It’s a high end carseat, but only a little bit more overall than the 200 dollar seats we were looking at. Certainly, less than a car payment

With regard to the charging and range situations, it not a phenomenon unique to the Bolt, it applies to all other pure EVs. Charging and range limitations are really big negatives for a large number of car owners in this country. The USA is a huge place with a petroleum based car culture going back since almost the beginning of the automobile. While I would bet long road trips are infrequent for most car owners, their place in our psyche is larger than in real life. family vacations, emergency last minute dashes across hundreds (or even thousands) of miles, college travel (prospective college visits, move in day, spring break, et al), distant special events (concerts, sports, etc) are all disproportionately enshrined in our collective conscious compared to our daily commutes. pure EVs just can fill this need yet. they will get there with time, but until then, it is unreasonable to pretend it not a significant drawback. There is really no point in trying to convince someone to buy an EV by downplaying this fact. they are great second cars, and they are great cars for people who are fed up with big oil/climate change/high gas prices, and hence willing to adjust their lifestyle as necessary. for most everyone else, hybrids and ICE vehicles are a much safer bet, and a much easier sell.

If you have both of these symptoms then the culprit is very likely to be a stripped gear inside the transfer case motor. The transfer case actuator motor is a small motor that is bolted on to the transfer case and can be removed and replaced (or repaired with a new internal gear).

In his later years Jung lived mostly in isolation, and many feel he missed Freud. He did go to Taos, New Mexico to visit Chief Mountain Lake of the Taos Pueblos. He also visited Eastern Africa in 1925 to try to envision “primitive psychology” in a better way. He learned that what he saw there was much like what he learned from his own life and that of those everywhere. At the end of his life, Jung became interested in UFO’s, and tried to decide if they had archetypal meaning or other psychological significance. All in all he was a very interesting man, who added much knowledge and understanding of our consciousness.

And to declare that only you (or other citizen) has a right to determine the validity of police suspicion is just as wrong. I don’t know that I’ve ever seen any police brutality where the police had no reason to suspect that either a crime had been or soon might be committed.

With its four plants in Great Britain, BMW has now prepared itself for London departure from the EU on 29 March and has therefore brought annual maintenance forward from July to April. “This gives us scope for an orderly transition,” Wendt said. By stopping production in the weeks following the Brexit, BMW wants to reduce the risk of interruptions in the supply chain and restart as smoothly as possible afterwards.

It typically not well recieved in this sub, but I fully support your notion of spending extra on a car. I earn a similar wage in the midwest, and driving my dream car for three years was absolutely worth it. I drive a lot, so I wanted something I enjoy a lot!

First, determine the cause of the leak. Look under the hood and inspect the washer tank. You’ll find it on the passenger side (see first image below). If you determine that the tank is not leaking, then it’s probably one of the pumps and/or rubber grommets that has sprung a leak. Look at the front of the tank between the tank and the headlight. You’ll see the two black pumps. The pump on the right, closer to the engine, is for the windshield. In my case this is where the leak was. I could tell by the blue residue left on the sides of the pump by the leaking fluid. I also turned the key on and squirted the window a bit with the washers. I could tell there was newly leaked washer fluid under the basin.

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