I was driving on a country road at 2 ocklock in the morning, and just as I am turning onto the highway, this car comes flying up behind me, with no headlights, no nothing. Buddy you didn’t pull me over, I pulled over and you pulled in behind me. I’m not blind. I was trying […]
Архив: Июнь, 2019
In places they literally have stated they are
In places they literally have stated they are cheapening materials. For example the F10 using steel vs aluminum in the chassis. Cheaper but more weight. You also are correct but more Inline with my thinking. For example the ZF8 transmission is in every bmw in the line up from suv to M5. It’s a nice […]
I really am not a vain person. I’m not into s
I really am not a vain person. I’m not into status symbols just for the sake of looking like something I’m not. I don’t know fashion and I don’t go to all the hip clubs. But I do appreciate quality, and when I am blessed to be able to buy nice things for myself, then […]
The third generation Integra featured a major
The third generation Integra featured a major update in styling you either love it or hate it. The base engine was upgraded to a 142 hp 1.8 L I4, while the GS R engine got an upgrade to 170 hp and kept the VTEC. In 1997, the Integra Type R came to the United States […]
(Privacy Policy)FeaturesGoogle Custom SearchT
(Privacy Policy)FeaturesGoogle Custom SearchThis is feature allows you to search the site. (Privacy Policy)Google MapsSome articles have Google Maps embedded in them. (Privacy Policy)Google AdSense Host APIThis service allows you to sign up for or associate a Google AdSense account with HubPages, so that you can earn money from ads on your articles. Unfortunately, despite […]
You will also need to specify the actice cell
You will also need to specify the actice cell phone number for use with your account. Only one active phone number per account is allowed per subscription fee. You can have more than one active phone number linked to your account but you have to pay an additional subscription fee for each additional active phone […]
I would say pretty much everyone has a proble
I would say pretty much everyone has a problem with those who work or abuse the system I have definitely run into those people. I freely admit I judged a woman a few weeks ago who I know is on medicaid that I heard in the waiting area talking to another gal about how they […]
I searched old posts and came across a bunch
I searched old posts and came across a bunch with the BMW X3 and Diono seats in 3 across, but I need RF (rear facing) seat outboard for YDS. DH (dear husband) is looking at the X3 for his next vehicle, and I’m fairly certain there is nothing I can do to dissuade him. He […]
(Privacy Policy)ComscoreComScore is a media m
(Privacy Policy)ComscoreComScore is a media measurement and analytics company providing marketing data and analytics to enterprises, media and advertising agencies, and publishers. Non consent will result in ComScore only processing obfuscated personal data. (Privacy Policy)Amazon Tracking PixelSome articles display amazon products as part of the Amazon Affiliate program, this pixel provides traffic statistics for those […]
So is that worth it to you? There no right an
So is that worth it to you? There no right answer to that; it fine if that is worth it to you. But that how you have to look at it. Saying this would be more reliable than my Ranger (which you not doing) is just denialism. It not real. You could rebuild the damn […]