So, unless you are an exception, most of us don take road trips on the regular, on the rare(ish) occasion when we do, it not really much of a thing to stop for a bit to charge. And here another little secret. Remember when I said I would get 550+ miles on a tank in […]
Архив: Июнь, 2019
The first BMW bike, the 486cc R32, was built
The first BMW bike, the 486cc R32, was built in 1923, with the flat twin “boxer” engine configuration that became a feature of the marque and is still used today. Later models included the 746cc R71 of 1938 and the hugely successful R12, which featured the first use of hydraulic front forks on a mass […]
No data is shared with Facebook unless you en
No data is shared with Facebook unless you engage with this feature. (Privacy Policy)MavenThis supports the Maven widget and search functionality. (Privacy Policy)MarketingGoogle AdSenseThis is an ad network. (Privacy Policy)Google DoubleClickGoogle provides ad serving technology and runs an ad network. (Privacy Policy)Index ExchangeThis is an ad network. (Privacy Policy)SovrnThis is an ad network. Jack kept […]
When our boys were born (14 months apart) we
When our boys were born (14 months apart) we purchased a Graco double stroller. thing couldn’t turn corners for anything. couldn’t stand that. haven’t any problems and I have been using the thing almost everyday for the last few months. seriously LOVE this double stroller. can even push it and turn corners with 1 hand. […]
And buy something fun but not so insane? If y
And buy something fun but not so insane? If you want to buy an M3 later, you can always sell your car and upgrade. Congrats on that first off.$50k for a vehicle at your income is within a reasonable purchase price for a vehicle. Put a decent chunk (20%+) down on it and keep the […]
About a week ago I lost my card for food stam
About a week ago I lost my card for food stamps. Got a new one. Cleaned my car, found my old one. Sooo today I went to the grocery store. I went to pay and realized I had my old card. The guy was so rude to me when I came back. I hate how […]
Hot take: universal income is a radical strat
Hot take: universal income is a radical strategy that may actually provide some ideas on things we can do. In that ideal society where people can become engineers, artists, teachers, or whatever they want, people still need means to live their life. People that are satisfied chilling out, casually meeting with friends and doing simple […]
Nearly all my neighbours are farmers and thei
Nearly all my neighbours are farmers and their children have been driving quad bikes, cars and tractors from about 10 years old mainly on private land.I’ve been driving and motorcycling since about 14 and the passion has never left me. For a long time I was the type that if you told me no, I’d […]
I agree with some person here. Mercedes and B
I agree with some person here. Mercedes and BMW have their own segment. No doubt they engineered and build their car differently. In my mind BMW cars deliver sporty and elegance to their car. BMW cars’ image are perfectly match with young,spirited person who wants enjoyment of driving car in high speed and elegant way. […]
Splicing the Wires and Installing the O2 Sens
Splicing the Wires and Installing the O2 SensorThe Ford sensor 15718 only has about 15 16″ of wire. You’re going to need around 30″, so don’t get too eager and cut off your VW harness just yet, lthough you can cut off the plug of your new Ford sensor as close as you can towards […]