Market observers have been pointing out how OnePlus manages to release its flagship smartphones with designs and features resembling Apple’s coque iphone 5s mignons iPhones. It is now being pointed out that in the case of the OnePlus 5, the cloning effect appears too obvious and coque iphone xs hakuna matata has been taken to another level completely. It is also pertinent to coque iphone 5s voitures point out here that Apple is already coque iphone grip fighting legal battles coque emente iphone xs with arch rival Samsung on patent violation issues.
One critic has posted images of coque iphone 5s renault sport the two phones, the OnePlus 5 and the iPhone 7 Plus, side by side to show how they coque iphone 6s james dean appear almost the same with coque iphone 7 ancre marine the dual camera setup in the rear panel the flash and the microphone at the bottom of coque iphone 5c game of thrones the panel and so on. coque iphone ariel Even the logo placement appears similar.
Another critic has coque iphone 4s silicone stitch gone on to list every smartphone released by OnePlus from OnePlus 2 had a few things common to the corresponding Apple phones and what is coque iphone 4 avec diamant interesting is that the company’s reactions to customer coque iphone 5s hakuna matata complaints have also started resembling the way Apple deals with issues raised coque iphone 6 yoshi on their phones and other products.
To one such complaint, the company squarely blamed the customer back, almost the same way as Apple had coque iphone 5 jpg done on a few occasions in the past. Reference is also being made to the way the OnePlus series phones turn out better products every alternate year, something people accused Apple coque iphone 4s silicone m&m of doing.
This is why the question is being raised on the level to which the coque sous leau iphone xs max coque iphone 5s incase company coque iphone 6 foot neymar can go to copy the Cupertino based tech giant.
To drive home this point, some of the issues coque iphone 5s tasse raised after the OnePlus 5 was officially released on the June 22 in India relate to the coque iphone xs max aluminium Wi Fi not coque iphone 6 adaptable iphone 6s working properly and there were also camera related issues. There were even comments on the social media by some buyers who felt they would not like to be seen carrying a cloned device or a copycat product.
However, when confronted with such comments and questions, the CEO of OnePlus didn’t seem worried and replied that they are used to such remarks being made with their products all the time.
However, Apple is yet to react to any of these instances. coque iphone xs bison Probably the company feels it may end up giving undue publicity to a competitor, who is not really a competitor. Or perhaps Apple believes in the old dictum imitation is coque iphone xs max paillette liquide a form of flattery!..