November 23 2017EmailTwitterPinterestFacebook

November 23 2017EmailTwitterPinterestFacebookMartina Starke is happy. She has created beauty. “A great car has to look beautiful on the road,” she says. BMW’s head of brand vision and brand design has led the team behind the concept car for the new BMW Concept 8 Series a car that displays its lineage, and is at the same time boldly new. What it evinces most spectacularly is how to make a machine that has dynamism, while achieving a sumptuous degree of luxury and style. “The dynamic look comes from the form language,” she says. “You want a car that speaks to you directly when you see it for the first time.”

You in LA, in addition to the high monthly BMW lease payments, the $500 annual car registration fees, mandatory $2k/year full coverage car insurance, higher premium fuel usage at $5/gal, replacement runflat tires at $1500 a set, BMW $900 lease acquisition, $500 lease turn in fees, extra miles charges, and “outside the norm wear tear” costs at lease turn in will eat you alive.

The new officer is trained to take command and expects immediate obedience from a citizen, and a citizen has no rights at all during the situation. That’s what we saw in the Boston neighborhood as cops were searching for the Marathon bomber. People were ordered out of their homes by yelling and shoving officers, with no regard at all for their rights as American citizens. That would not have happened a few decades ago. I don’t think it should be happening today.

BUT. We never see a gas station on the regular (before you get stuck on nitpicking, I mean not a gas station because the thing doesn take gas, but also primarily mean equivalent SuperCharger, as in something you HAVE to stop at in order to refill energy). Until our first roadtrip, and we own two, count them, 2 M3 LRs for a combined 12+ months (one for 8 mo, the other for an overlapped 4 mo), we had never been to a Supercharger.

I would be concerned about keeping a nicer car safe being that your beater already got broken in to. I am a sucker for toys of the four wheeled variety, but maybe it would be better to just buy reliable transportation in cash right now and allocate your income to getting your down payment put together to get in to a house (assuming you’re going to continue to live in the area for a while)Car guy here. A civic is nearly as fast (if you not a car person you won notice the acceleration difference), handles better, and has way more luxury features than a 328i. The only two things the 328i has on a Civic is better ride quality and less road noise. If you actually looking for a car that is fun to drive, you can do much, much better for way less money. But seriously, another note on features, the BMW 3 series fully loaded has a serious lack of luxury features compared to all economy brands: Honda, Toyota, Nissan, Hyundai, and Kia all have more and better features than 3 series BMWs.

5) Cory Booker. He came on very strongly for race issues, inequality, and gun control, for better or worse. I think he taken very polarizing positions on issues that are make/break for many people and that may be his anchor. He also leaned more towards anger than charm and the way he got speaking time wasn a good look; effective yes, but “not presidential”. VP or Cabinet for him.

That gave me the opportunity to be more tolerant and appreciate people for what they are.I used to work in an academic institution, taught college students and conducted social researches.Join HubPages, where you can write about a topic you love for free! Includes potential to earn royalties and commissions.

The law is that it illegal to refuse to submit to the sobriety tests. That does not compel you to actually submit to the search (blood test). It simply means you will be charged with an additional crime and you will likely have your license suspended. A warrant is still required to compel you to give a blood sample. If the police have actual reason to suspect you been drinking and driving is not particularly difficult to obtain a warrant to draw blood. The police don get to just skip steps because it easier. That how you get police railroading people who have not actually committed a crime.

Hi, you are on my profile page! Ever since I was a kid, I have this gift of understanding people, a gift which I carried on until today. I believe that every person has a good heart and we all have potential to care for each other. I also like studying different culture and I had the opportunity to travel to different places around the world.

What we should have is elevated mass transit only systems and compact cities with the entire groundscape both green and scaled to human life. But being that the most powerful companies on the planet are all dependent on the wasteful paradigm of sprawl, ineffecient cities/buildings, and automobiles, this is what we get. That is the problem with monopolies. Industries that do not have to compete become stagnant. And actually in a lot of ways I think you can see the same thing happening with computers and electronics.

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High resale value. A Mini brand car has a pretty good resale value, assuming the car is in great shape and has no problems with it. If and when you decide to get rid of your car, you will earn more back than what you would with other vehicles. I tend to change cars every five years, and while I may not with my Mini, having a high trade in value is definitely a bonus.

Reitman, who has a neutral rating on Ferrari stock and a 12 month price target of $141, said he’s confident in the company’s new CEO Louis Camilleri. Previous management pushed volume of lower priced series cars at any cost while Camilleri has put an emphasis on higher end models like the upcoming mid engined SF90 Stradale plug in hybrid supercar, which is expected to be priced around 400,000 euros ($456,000).

I admit that I a Mercedes fanboy and when I started off my car quest I was dead set on a W204. Test drove a few and even got to test newer CLA and C300, while I connected much more with these cars and prefer the interior of these over them all. the driver feel was still just as bad (but I expected it). Much more of a “boaty” type feel that I don mind as the drive was smooth and subtle and would have been fine with if I never test drove the ATS. I liked the CLA but knew I didn want to own one and the newer C300 was great but really out of my price range. Again, I also not a fan of what it costs to own and maintain these in the states.

(Privacy Policy)HubPages Traffic PixelThis is used to collect data on traffic to articles and other pages on our site. Unless you are signed in to a HubPages account, all personally identifiable information is anonymized. Amazon Web ServicesThis is a cloud services platform that we used to host our service. (Privacy Policy)CloudflareThis is a cloud CDN service that we use to efficiently deliver files required for our service to operate such as javascript, cascading style sheets, images, and videos.

I have navigation info projected on the windshield when using the default Gps but not when using CarPlay.You must also understand that from the main os’s POV CarPlay is just a single other screen.Siri integration is okay for basic commands. Maps is okay with updated traffic information.Problem is you can’t use Siri in multiple languages which limit some more advanced features like dictating text in your native language if you want siri in English.

I think there is too much fuss going on about, but since you commented you might as well admit yours kinda was wrong there. You think basketball but there is volleyball, some think tennis but there is ping pong. Making same advance ladders in two different sports and similarsing them (in whatever, prize $, or reward potential) does not guarantee less popular to suddenly become on par with the other.

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Questionable driving, to say the least. That not to say that there aren LMP drivers who don know what they doing many don but my own perspective of being someone who loves racing both GT cars and prototypes has seen a lot more issues with the GT traffic being completely unaware of oncoming cars or outright blocking them in dangerous fashion than some of the questionable overtakes I see from prototype drivers.Without turning this post into a bit of a rant, getting proper multiclass experience is vital if you plan on racing GTE cars, moreso if you want to race them in more than just IMSA.

She found out during the filming of Evita that she was pregnant with her daughter Lourdes, with Carlos Leon, her personal trainer. Madonna is not a terrific singer, or the most beautiful woman around, but she knows how to market herself, and how to handle her money. When she wrote her 1998 album Ray of Light, she was interested in Eastern Mysticism and the Kabbalah, and claims that her perception of life changed quite a bit.

However, before you set your sights on imported RTA cabinets, it’s important to realize what you are getting. Among brands, there are several different construction methods, vast differences in finish and wood quality, and overall selection. While you might save some money, you may also find that the sacrifices you need to make may not be worth it.

BMW doesn’t have to make the best EV. They really just have to make a decent one and brand loyalty can make up the rest. A big sticking point for many people coming from higher end brands is the interior of Teslas. BMW could make a decent EV with a more traditional interior. Another is service. While Tesla does have the service vans getting stuff fixed at service centres does seem to be a challenge for some people. BMW could compete there.

I merely comment on a bunch of unsupported half finished stories being called “shocking” while insinuating that a mother’s claims her son did nothing wrong while being abused from police are evidence of police brutality. There’s nothing shocking at all that a mother will defend her child against those nasty police; we see such stories every day. And while there are exceptions it almost always ends up that the child was doing something wrong; that the cops had both a reason and obligation to act as they did.

I’m still pounding my head into the wall over it, so thank you very much Mr. Muscle. Whatever company makes Tylenol, invest in it. I’m taking it by the truckload with all this head banging. Oh yes, and drywall. Invest in that too. In the past Ive resolved to eat more fruit, remember peoples names, and drink less beer. But this year, I resolved to buy sexier underwear.

It would be a shame, yes it a big car, but it only had one season. It takes more than a season sometimes for a car to reach it stride.There exceptions, some vehicles are competitive out of the gate, the Mustang in V8 supercars in 2019 (although Dick Johnson Racing/Penske generally does not mess around when they can commit), but it takes a while.

I was informed by the dealer, that due to some changes Audi made in the brake materials, squeaking was normal. It was such a common complaint, I was even given a pre printed pamphlet all about “brake noise”. I was relieved that nothing was wrong with my brakes, but the squeaking can be very annoying.

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If you don have a huge commute and rarely put on more than 20 30 miles in a day, that charger will work just fine.If you end up using up the whole charge in a single day though. and need a full charge by next morning. things get dicer.It takes this car 18 20 hours to fully charge from empty using the included level 1 charger, and obviously you can do that overnight.That where a L2 charger comes in.

Would you let a 12 year old drive your car?Jump to Last Post 1 15 of 15 discussions (32 posts)My 12 year old recently went on a camping trip with some of his dads friends. While on this ‘camping’ trip the following happened. The old ladys grand daughter was ‘upset’ so the woman gave her car keys to my son and told him to take her grand daughter for a drive.

Unless you are signed in to a HubPages account, all personally identifiable information is anonymized. Amazon Web ServicesThis is a cloud services platform that we used to host our service. (Privacy Policy)CloudflareThis is a cloud CDN service that we use to efficiently deliver files required for our service to operate such as javascript, cascading style sheets, images, and videos.

With an airport internet from charles de gaulle paris, i was able to skype with my husband and my parisian friends and let them know my tricky predicament. Then i took the tgv train from paris to marseille, got off saint charles station and again i used the ipad to send text messeges for my friend who is supposed to pick me up at the train station. Could not find each other T the train station. I used the ipad to send text messeges to my friend. What a relief that was.

What’s wrong with my car?My Honda CR V begins to overheat when I break (waiting in the drive thru line, traffic, traffic light, etc.) and has been doing it for the past couple of months. Only when I drive will it blast cold air. I’m not sure what I need to check or what I need to replace.

The Coccoro is no longer a great option for multiples/preemies as it now has a 5lb./19″ minimum. (Yes, the website still says 3lbs., but other techs are reporting that new Coccoros are shipping with 5lbs. minimums on the seat and the manual.) Plus, the insert HAS to be used until kiddo weighs 25lbs, which means many kids are reaching the 1″ height limit long before 36″ or 2yo. :/ Combi has been non negotiable on that issue, saying that the seat needs to be turned FF if baby reaches the 1″ limit with the insert.

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