They don have ABS or TC and they much faster, plus they harder to set up. If you only have a little experience in the Ferrari GT3, I would recommend buying the Merc or the Audi and racing those in IMSA GT3, then progress up the ranks into GTE. The experience you gain will be worth it.Real racing drivers don jump the gun on what they race, so we sim drivers shouldn either, right?Hmm.
Should You Buy a TT?If you are looking for a fun, powerful, stylish sports coupe that is also good in the snow, the all wheel drive TT is your best bet in this price range. Its sister cars the Infiniti G35 or the Nissan Z, both have rear wheel drive.
Shout out thanks to u/MrEdinLaw for creating our UnpopularOpinion Bot!Ofcourse, they are easy to maintain if you know your way around cars, cheap after market for parts, you can drift wayy more easily than other cars, more powerful than other cars in the same price range. It has become popular within the people who well are young and know their way around the engine. And for what it is, it is cheap(older models for the kind of people that want to drive fast).
For that you could choose between the Ferrari and whatever you choose between Merc and Audi. It the series I race in at the moment.Even if I have some experience with GT3 already?As I said, racing in IMSA is a completely different beast. Races are longer, there pitstops, and car setup.
That is how I feel when it comes to historical figures. People want to rationalize that someone like Lincoln could do something good yet still not be a good person just so they can keep him high up on the pedestal. It never occurred to people that the pedestal shouldn’t be there and that we should look at people for the good and bad they’ve done and let individuals come to their own conclusion about their character.7 years ago
Ironically, the original circuit was built to improve safety in the Eifelrennen races that, earlier in the decade, had taken place on public roads running through the Eifel mountains. Intended both to provide thrilling competition and to showcase German engineering talent, the Nrburgring quickly became legendary and the drivers who mastered it came to be known as the “Ringmeisters”, counting among their number names such as Tazio Nuvolari, Rudolf Caracciola and, postwar, Alberto Ascari, Stirling Moss and Jackie Stewart.
See, that’s what gotten under my skin so darned bad. My panties (I actually wear Made in the USA Fruit of the Looms) are really in a terrible bunch because we’re at this place that we’ve gotten to where everyone at the bottom is simply an underachiever and should simply be someone thankful that a few scraps fall his way now and again thanks to all of the genious, and hard work of the guys at the top who, according to all accounts, are the ones who really make it all happen.
That said, my wife forgot to charge my i3 one night and I was almost stranded. luckily I limped into a BMW dealership that had one and 10 minutes later I had enough to get home. not particularly a big deal, if it had been AC I would have left 30 minutes later.
BMWs in general are expensive to maintain due to parts cost and increased hourly rates since the cars are priced higher than average to begin with. If you want a diesel car you either get an MB, BMW, Jaguar, or Chevy Cobalt. Only the Chevy Cobalt will be cheap to maintain, but finding a quality mechanic to maintain the diesel in the Chevy may prove difficult.
High resale value. A Mini brand car has a pretty good resale value, assuming the car is in great shape and has no problems with it. If and when you decide to get rid of your car, you will earn more back than what you would with other vehicles. I tend to change cars every five years, and while I may not with my Mini, having a high trade in value is definitely a bonus.
Nearly all my neighbours are farmers and their children have been driving quad bikes, cars and tractors from about 10 years old mainly on private land.I’ve been driving and motorcycling since about 14 and the passion has never left me. For a long time I was the type that if you told me no, I’d want yes more often than not.I understand the comment about an emergency and hero, but while a 12 year old may be able to operate a car, surely they can have little or no knowledge of the rules of the road or other drivers or road conditions.
Cool. Then, I sure you would be able to make the payment. But I take a little time to read up on “hedonic adaptation” and think about your long term financial priorities. If you start with a new BMW right out of school you be inured to it soon enough.
Most are, particularly in the high end. You still have plenty of manual performance cars under $60k being sold. Hot hatches, for example, all have manuals, and the manual variants sell well enough that automakers don’t have plans to discontinue them anytime soon (even in the US). Other cars that appeal heavily to enthusiasts like the Miata still sell 60% as manuals!
I really like the exterior of the 2010 Camaro and the LS3 is an incredible engine, but seeing a plastic engine cover in a crammed engine bay is so. disappointing.saltposted 9 years agosomeone recently kept saying to me i cant understand it, for a girl, you really like cars.
Later if you must get an prestigious badged car (It arguable in SoCal if any of the big 3 german brands can be viewed as prestigious short of the $150k+ semi exotics), go buy an 3 year old CPO BMW for 50% of MSRP while still having 2 3 more years of CPO warranty coverage.
As I understand it the i3 had a lot larger depreciation than most other early electric cars. I don remember the research I did at the time tbh and my number was just spitballing, but early electric vehicles had a large depreciation due to the steep annual improvements in the tech, and on top of that, the BMW had even larger depreciation from other early electrics. In addition to that, the new i3s now are in a bit of a different competitive situation, since there is so much more competition in the new electric car space, so my guess is they have to be more competitive on price. So if you look at depreciation from a stand point of what can I get now new vs used for the same car, you totally right. From the perspective of what the 2015 cars are going for used vs what they cost in 2015, that a different story. Since we wanted to buy used at the time (though looking back I kinda sorta maybe wish we had just sprung for a model 3) the depreciation was attractive relative to other used options we were looking at
Honestly I more nostalgic for the cars I wanted if I just had a bit more money when I was in high school. That was around 2010ish, and I dreamed of 90 WRXs, Legacy GTs, Evos, Integra and Civic Type Rs, basically sporty 90 Japanese cars that were just a bit out of my reach but some of the other kids in school had. I actually especially nostalgic for Starlet GTs and Glanza turbos because I came very close to buying one for my first car, before I came across a deal on an Accord Euro R.
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Have you ever done multiclass racing before?If you haven I heavily recommend racing in GT3 before going GTE. It sounds like you own the Ferrari GT3, so you done so GT3 racing but only in the Ferrari challenge series. IMSA, in either GTE or GT3, is a completely different beast.If you do a season in the GT3s first, you will gain skills needed to drive the GTE cars later.
People here are different. In MN there are so many of us struggling, it’s depressing. Hell, I moved in with my aunt and uncle thinking they had it good; a nice house in the best city in the state, she is an accountant, he stays home. I really thought they had the good life. After I moved in, I discovered they’ve had to spend tens of thousands to repair the house; the entire east wall was rotten and so is a large chunk of the roof, the floorboards upstairs and carpeting in the basement were shot to hell, and whoever installed the electrical wires in the house screwed up big time. He doesn’t work because he’s on disability, having lost most of his cognitive thinking and reasoning, and she works as many hours as she can to make up the difference. Turns out I’m helping them way more than I ever thought I could. I help him fix the house during the day, I bought groceries for everyone today, and just by being here, my son has helped cheer both of them up so much. Everyone’s truly struggling.
BMW doesn’t have to make the best EV. They really just have to make a decent one and brand loyalty can make up the rest. A big sticking point for many people coming from higher end brands is the interior of Teslas. BMW could make a decent EV with a more traditional interior. Another is service. While Tesla does have the service vans getting stuff fixed at service centres does seem to be a challenge for some people. BMW could compete there.
Not “only in South Africa”, even Gordon Brown is being hauled over the coals for spending too much government money on personal items. Seems all politicians are the same worldwide. We are kidding ourselves in voting for their election “promises”. Every politician of every creed only cares about lining their own pockets and then they incite us with their pretty speeches (never written by themselves)to turn against each other because of all the problems they have created. Booooo to all politicians and their greed. Good luck to every private citizen you’re on your own, mate!
Unfortunately, despite the brief excitement and distraction that was provided when the boats appeared, the years of bitter legal wrangling and protracted uncertainty had also left an entire Cup community behind. Teams that had previously aspired to compete in the 33rd America’s Cup were barely able to comprehend, let alone match, the money that was being spent this time around.
John Murphy, an analyst at Bank of America Merrill Lynch, is bullish on Ferrari stock with a buy rating and a $150 price target. He said the Icona series cars (the Monza SP1 and SP2), as well as the other 15 all new or redesigned models that Ferrari announced as part of its 2018 2022 business plan, will help broaden the product lineup and boost revenue.
I’d like to hear some ideas from other Hubbers. Given those criteria (15+ years old, good condition, under $20,000), what vehicle would you buy and why?Ross Kposted 8 years agoI would recommend a Mercedes E Class from 90 94. These cars were over engineered and built like tanks. Nothing like Benz’s of today.
Indeed, the Alpina engineering centre is so sophisticated that it houses eight dynamometers kitrepresenting an investment of more than 12m that are used to assess the output of the specially modified, always twin turbocharged Alpina engines. These engines are designed to provide not just a high top speed, but surprising improvements in fuel economy and the greater pulling power that gives the cars both astonishing acceleration and effortless long distance cruising ability. Every Alpina also gets modified electronics, an upgraded gearbox, aerodynamic enhancements, highly adaptable suspension that radically improves both handling andcomfort, and a signature touch, this a set ofhighly distinctive 20 spoke wheels.
8. (Saloon)s are comfortable and lovable cars, and they are also the most common body style. These are commonly 4 door cars with 4+ seats. They are fully covered with a fixed rooftop and have full height all the way to the rear windows. s are also known as ‘saloons’ in British English.
I genuinely enjoy driving it more than my V8 powered beast. I never thought I say that, but there it is.The i3 is a blast to drive. RWD, 170 horses, all the torque available any time you push it. It turns heads, you can park it on a postage stamp, you can turn a circle inside a tiny two lane road without doing a 3 point.
However, as a savvy buyer, you still need to be aware of what makes a quality cabinet (regardless of where it is made) and what you may be sacrificing when you purchase imported cabinetry. I want to stress that there is nothing inherently wrong with Chinese cabinetry, but you need to go into the purchase with your eyes open because sometimes the super low, factory direct pricing can have you so giddy that you don’t consider why the price is so low.
More broadly, Heroes fans should consider themselves lucky. This game was a flop in the market from day 1. Despite this, Blizzard dumped money into it for 4 years. I sure the copious usage data they collected over those 4 years has them convinced there is no longer a realistic path to success for this game. They see clearly now that it will never be anything but an also ran in the MOBA market, and they not a company that makes also ran games. So they finally made the hard choice to pull the plug. If Heroes is your favorite game, or if you were trying to make a living from the Heroes community, that sucks. It truly does. And the way Blizzard handled this announcement seems to leave something to be desired. But all the entitlement in this sub from people who expect them to run a charity apparently indefinitely is pretty rich.
And then you be stuck in a mode of buying new luxury cars, which will be a major expense over your lifetime and it matter less and less.Another alternative is to save up to buy the car you want with cash. It easy to overspend when you thinking about a car in terms of payments, but the tradeoffs are more stark when you pay with cash.That said, I won be the pf stereotype of saying “no new cars or luxury cars ever”.
In fact, the 2 door GTI was worse in the city, because the doors are so much longer, you can open them as easily in tight parking spaces. The 4 door has doors that open wider with less space next to you, and the doors are much smaller and lighter. So I would argue that while you THINK you want a 2 door, based on your requirements, if you came to me without any bias, I be recommending the 4 door to you over the 2 door.
We were looking at them because we wanted something roomy and comfy on the road that had memory seats, heated seats and wheel, and a big moonroof and I still like a big V6 over a turbo 4 the LaCrosse was one of the cars that ticked the boxes. Cooled seats, seat massagers and a HUD were options that came with the Premium trim and I glad we got them I turn the massagers on every time I get in (and I been trying to figure out how to retrofit some into my old Mustang).
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