I hope a semi driver finds that fucker. Not only is he breaking the law, he is putting other peoples lives in danger doing it. and troubling with devastating implications. Here in St. Louis, two young sisters were killed by a head on with a policeman speeding at over 100 mph while talking on his cellphone. He got off with probation. The police are notoriously underpaid and unhappy about it, the state offices are all struggling with a huge deficit. Now, cops are pulling “speeders” going 1 mph over the limit. I read a news article that warned drivers about this very real possibility. Personally, my daughter was taken to jail on non moving violations after a cop stopped her for illegal plates and a false accusation of not having insurance, even after producing her insurance card. It took my contacting our state rep in Jeff City, who not only was able to have the $900 bail returned to me, but I got a written apology from the police department. The devastation produced by these rogue police, who chose their profession, to protect and serve, is a national disgrace.
Thanks for the reply. I curious, when you say your sons “love their screen time”, can you give more detail? I ask because my son basically begs constantly for it. On weekends for example he basically just follow me around begging until I get frustrated enough that I tell him if he asks again he won get any screen time for the rest of the weekend. If he in front of a screen, I swear I could walk away for 10 hours and he just sit there playing. My daughter eventually gets bored and will look for something else to do, and she never begs. I had some concern my son desire for screens is outside of what normal, but I don have any comparison so I don know if that true.
There can be paradox in progress. Here is a simplified BMW design language, a startling economy of line and sculpture, married to enviable comfort and sophistication. This gorgeous coup is “still a car for driving”, says Starke,”that is paramount, but our design answers have to keep getting better and better; we must reach for perfection as we approach that axis of humans and machines.”
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Subaru WRX: The WRX was a bit pricy for this list, but it makes it to the honorable mention list due to the great performance and rally heritage offered by the ’90s Subaru sports sedan/wagon. With a turbocharged flat 4 and Subaru’s legendary AWD system, the WRX will be quick on any surface and is relatively easy to modify for more power.
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“stomping on a mans head with his boots as hard as he could” (bolding added). In addition, you have now indicated that there was more than one stomp; seems to me that multiple “full force” stomps will almost certainly break a neck. Not necessarily so with and easy kick or even a hard one, but “full force” multiple kicks? Do you retract the bolded part or do you offer your tests taken to substantiate the claim as true?
Once the box is down, as you can see in the pictures, there is a little plastic wall that holds the harnesses in place. The brown harness is for the post (back) 02 sensor and the black is for the primary (front) 02 sensor. Pull the black harness out of the wall and unclip it. Once it is unclipped release the wires from the clips along the bottom.
Dealerships aren’t everywhere. In my case, the closest dealership is about an hour and a half away. It is certainly a pain to drive to. I am lucky that I have one that close. Other people may have to travel hours to get to a Mini dealership. If you do buy a car, then ensure that you learn about your warranty. The flatbed service they offer to pickup your Mini is only for a limited area, and even getting a rental while your car is being repaired can be limited in how far you can drive it.
You tried to say that I stated that about some idiotic thing you decided was what I was talking about. It is not the case. Which is why I called into question what your babbling about being bi was all about, when it was a situation that only affects men. Not whatever situation you talking about.
And then you be stuck in a mode of buying new luxury cars, which will be a major expense over your lifetime and it matter less and less.Another alternative is to save up to buy the car you want with cash. It easy to overspend when you thinking about a car in terms of payments, but the tradeoffs are more stark when you pay with cash.That said, I won be the pf stereotype of saying “no new cars or luxury cars ever”.
(Privacy Policy)FeaturesGoogle Custom SearchThis is feature allows you to search the site. (Privacy Policy)Google MapsSome articles have Google Maps embedded in them. (Privacy Policy)Google AdSense Host APIThis service allows you to sign up for or associate a Google AdSense account with HubPages, so that you can earn money from ads on your articles.
This a detailed guide on how to change your engine air filter in a BMW X3. The car in the photos is a 2006 model but the process is the same for any year, and for that matter, just about any late model BMW crossover or car. Only the accessibility of the air box under the hood, the filter type, and the clip locations will vary.
In regards to REx, everything will effect range: temperature, speed, number of passengers, interior cabin heat/cool, wind direction, most recent driving efficiency. I can depart for IU (55 miles one way) with a full battery charge showing 95 miles (and the REx usually slightly under this for another 85 miles) and arrive at the destination with battery at 10 miles at >56 mph) when it starts at 6% charge. To solve for this, you have to slow down. On most interstates with posted 70 mph, its not safe to be driving 55. My approach has become to assume that the estimated battery mileage will drop considerably over the trip, by 50%, and so the best plan is to finder a public charger at the turn around point. You can run the REx through its 2 gals, refuel and get another 30 miles, but again this needs to be at much less than 70 mph. When you get home, the REx will be screaming at you, hot, fans blowing.
Gas is cheaper in the US, yet cars have way worse MPG. In Europe, it is not uncommon to have a car that does 40 mpg and the propaganda that states that European cars are trash is just not true. A BMW in Europe with a 2.0 L engine has a 4.0 L engine in the US, yet it drives the same. The only difference is the MPG. Of course the fuel is a lot cheaper in the US, but it works out almost the same when you take into account the efficiency. I first became interested in this topic when i bought a 3.5 L Ford Taurus that does 20 mpg. The first time I filled the fuel tank i noticed an advertisement on the inside of the petrol cap. It read “Use BP fuel”.
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That fame for reliability has made BMW motorcycles the default choice of the hard riding tourist for decades; and now celebrated models from the “airhead” era as pre 1995 machines with twin cylinder, air cooled engines are known are steadily rising in value as a growing number of enthusiasts come to appreciate their combination of classic looks, superb engineering and continued suitability for long distance riding.
I got caught up in line at Cub today cuz the boy behind the counter didn’t know how to process WIC. One lady got so annoyed at me for holding up the line, she scoffed and went to the customer service desk three feet away and got snippy with the lady there. I felt terrible, and it must’ve shown on my face because the next people in line smiled at me and said they understood, they’d been in my shoes and they know how hard times are now. They were a nice older couple, the woman even gave me a small hug and told me to keep doing everything I could for my beautiful son, because that is all a mother can be expected to do. I bawled, and Mar just smiled at her.
Shut the doors on those and its like a bank vault. Engines can for for 300K plus as long as you do routine services. They come in 6 and 8 cylinders. If you want to go Japanese the early 90′s LS400 from Lexus is another car that was over engineered since they were made to compete with the Germans.
(Privacy Policy)FeaturesGoogle Custom SearchThis is feature allows you to search the site. (Privacy Policy)Google MapsSome articles have Google Maps embedded in them. (Privacy Policy)Google AdSense Host APIThis service allows you to sign up for or associate a Google AdSense account with HubPages, so that you can earn money from ads on your articles.
I have drag raced BMW cars at a BMW event, and I have noticed most automatics have a limit to how much torque can be output by the torque converter to the wheel. Even if the other guy launched it hard, you should be able to stay ahead at least until the first gear change. If you can shift fast enough, you can beat most non high end automatics.
But as I said I never driven it so I not sure. Both are fairly even matched in terms of pace though.I just hijacking this post here to make a quick point for anyone else who is considering jumping into GTE first;Have you ever done multiclass racing before?If the answer to this is no, then you should not be in a faster class until you are competent at driving in the slowest class, IMO.There a lot of people in iLMS who jump into the GTE class after racing in IMSA without having experienced a faster class before, which leads to.
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It was common with those cars, particularly the coupe models and if your in an accident your insurance won pay out if the car is re specced. Plus, if there high mileage I strongly reccomend you get a mechanic you trust to check out the car. Even the best petrol engines will tend to calve after 120k miles, particularly in a BMW because the youngfellas who tend to be the third owner drive the arse out of them.My advice? If your going to by any car more than 10 years old buy a diesel for reliability.
Same thing happened to Nissan when they introduced the GT R. The GT R had to prove itself on track. and it did. Now sure, the vast majority of GT R owners go for straight line stuff. But anyone with track experience will know that a GT R in decent hands on a track will 100% walk the talk. Does everyone like the GT R? Obviously not. But it lives up to its marketing.
What’s wrong with my car?My Honda CR V begins to overheat when I break (waiting in the drive thru line, traffic, traffic light, etc.) and has been doing it for the past couple of months. Only when I drive will it blast cold air. I’m not sure what I need to check or what I need to replace.
So from the first summons in July 2007 through to the AC33 this February, the Cup found itself dragged repeatedly in and out of oak panelled court rooms in an eye wateringly expensive legal battle between the two sides. In the process of this struggle, even the most ardent Cup enthusiasts lost interest in what appeared to be more about a bitter squabble between two billionaires than it was about the racing that had made the event so famous. The protagonists both claimed that they were either exercising their rights or fighting to protect the heritage of the 159 year old trophy.
6. LimousineLimousines, or ‘limos’, are very luxurious sedans with long, enclosed bodies. Previously, this term was used for cars with an enclosed passenger area and an open topped driver’s seat, where the front of the roof elongated to provide shade for the driver. But things have changed a lot since then; now limos are fully covered from the outside, and they have highly luxurious compartments inside. Still, the compartment for the driver remains separate.